Full Blood Testing
Comprehensive screen against common STIs with early detection
Full Blood Testing allows you to diagnose a range of blood borne STD’s. This means you can get accurate results for HIV, Syphilis and Hepatitis within 24 hours.
Clinic Test
AED 450
AED 1,280

Turnaround time
1 day
Who is this test for?
This test is for anyone who believes they have come into contact with someone with a STD. It can give you the answers you need in just 24 hours
How is the test carried out?
The test is carried out using blood samples that are collected by a clinician at the clinic location of your choosing.
Turnaround Time
This test gains accurate results against HIV as little as in 24 hours. In the event of a positive test for HIV it will be taken to our laboratory for confirmatory viral load testing free of charge.
When can I take this test?
This test offers accurate results from 28 days after exposure. If you believe there is a possibility that you came into contact more recently, our early detection screens may be more useful. Contact our customer services team to find out more.
This test is only available by visiting one of our specially selected clinics. You’ll be assisted by a nurse or doctor in collecting your sample, before they test them using the latest state of the art testing panels.
1. Book your test
To book this test, simply press the ‘Select This Test’ button above. You’ll then be taken to our booking page where you can choose the best clinic for your needs.
2. Arrive at the clinic
Our clinics are all based in a discreet setting and because many of them are general health clinics, there’s no reason why anyone will know that you’re there for a sexual health screening. Just let the receptionist know who you are upon arrival.
3. Your blood sample
This test requires a blood sample for accurate results.
4. Your urine sample
The urine sample will be collected by you in a clinic toilet, with the nurse or doctor providing you with full instructions before you deposit the sample. For the test to be fully accurate you must catch the first stream of urine.
5. Now we’ll take care of your results
Once you’ve deposited your samples you’ll will receive your confidential results via email or WhatsApp.
Test Includes
HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus that damages the immune system and affects the body’s ability to fight everyday infections. It is transmitted within the blood and can be passed on through unprotected anal and vaginal sex. HIV cannot be cured through medication and infected individuals will carry the virus for life. Thankfully those living with the virus can lead a completely normal life by taking daily medication that keeps it under control.
Syphilis is a bacterial infection that is spread through unprotected sex with an infected individual. It’s important to test for the condition if you believe you have come in contact with it as it can have a long term impact on your health. Symptoms can include a painless sore or ulcer on the penis or vagina, along with other rashes affecting different areas of the body. Many people will notice no symptoms or the symptoms may be so mild that they pass unnoticed.
Hepatitis B is a virus that affects the liver. It is spread through the transfer of blood and bodily fluids, including through unprotected sex. It is less common in the UK when compared to other countries, but you are at risk if you have unprotected sex with someone carrying the virus. For many people, Hepatitis B has a lifelong impact and you may never fully be cured.
Hepatitis C is a virus that affects the liver. It is passed on through the transfer of blood, including during sex. It’s usually possible to cure the infection and most people will have a normal life expectancy. Unfortunately it rarely shows symptoms until the liver is significantly damaged, which is why testing following unprotected sex is so important.
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