16 Pathogen
Our 16 Pathogen urine profile test is the most comprehensive urine only test available, diagnosing many common sexually transmitted infections including chlamydia, gonorrhoea and herpes. However, it doesn’t diagnose conditions such as HIV or Syphilis.
Clinic Test
AED 650
AED 1,440

Turnaround time
1 day
Tests for
- Candida Albicans
- Candida Glabrata
- Candida Krusei
- Candida Parapsilosis
- Candida Tropicalis
- Chlamydia Trachomatis
- Trichomonas Vaginalis
- Treponema Pallidum
- Gardnerella Vaginalis
- Herpes Simplex I
- Herpes Simplex II
- Mycoplasma Hominis
- Mycoplasma Genitalium
- Neisseria Gonorrhoeae
- Ureaplasma Parvum
- Ureaplasma Urealyticum
Who is this test for?
This test is designed for anyone who wants complete peace of mind. Whether you’ve just started a new relationship or you’ve had multiple sexual partners and want a general sexual health test, you’ll get the results you need with the 16 Pathogen test.
Turnaround Time
This test can take up to 1 day to gain accurate results once received by the lab. On many occasions our results are returned quicker. Some of the conditions within the Profile 1 may be diagnosed quicker than others and on these occasions we’ll notify you of each as and when we receive them.
Incubation period
Please be advised that this test will only offer the advised level of accuracy against all conditions 3 days after potential exposure.
Is this test right for me?
This is our most comprehensive STI screen and if it’s longer than 28 days since your last exposure you won’t get a more accurate picture of your sexual health. If you’re concerned about exposure through anal or oral sex though, you may need to take a swab sample too. Contact our team to find out more about any of our tests.
1. Book your test
To book this test, simply press the ‘Select This Test’ button above. You’ll then be taken to our booking page where you can choose the best clinic for your needs.
2. Arrive at the clinic
Our clinics are all based in a discreet setting and because many of them are general health clinics, there’s no reason why anyone will know that you’re there for a sexual health screening. Just let the receptionist know who you are upon arrival.
3. Your urine sample
The urine sample will be collected by you in a clinic toilet, with the nurse or doctor providing you with full instructions before you deposit the sample. For the test to be fully accurate you must catch the first stream of urine.
4. Now we’ll take care of your results
Once you’ve deposited your sample, we’ll take care of the rest. We’ll notify you of your results using our online portal as soon as they’re reported by the laboratory.
Test Includes
Candida albicans is a fungus that lives on your body in small amounts, located in your mouth, skin and intestines. Candida is yeast that is responsible for infections like thrush and vaginal yeast infections if it is off-balance with healthy bacteria in your body. Infections are common and treated with antifungal medications.
Candida glabrata (C. glabrata) can be found as a part of your natural microflora. It may be present in the GI tract, the mouth, and the genital area. Candida glabrata is typically well-controlled, or harmless, in most healthy people. But it can become a problem in people with suppressed immune systems. Candida glabrata also has a high resistance to some antifungal medications, which can make it hard to treat.
Candida krusei is a budding yeast (a species of fungus) involved in chocolate production. Candida krusei is an emerging fungal nosocomial pathogen.
Candida parapsilosisis the second most common cause of yeast infections after C.albicans in humans.
Candida tropicalis has been identified as the most prevalent pathogenic yeast species of the Candida-non-albicans group. Historically, Candida albicans has been the major species causing infections in immunocompromised and immunocompetent patients.
Chlamydia is a common STD that causes infection in both men and women. It can cause permanent damage to a woman’s reproductive system. Often presenting no symptoms for years, it is sometimes referred to the silent STD.
Gardnerella Vaginalis is a naturally occurring bacteria that is most commonly found in the vagina. It can however be transmitted through sexual intercourse and men can catch the infection. Due to the fact that it’s naturally occurring medication is often not prescribed for women unless there are symptoms.
The Treponema pallidum bacteria causes Syphilis which can cause serious health effects without adequate treatment.
Herpes Simplex (HSV) is a virus that can be transmitted through skin on skin contact with someone who is having an active outbreak, including through vaginal, oral or anal sex. It can cause genital herpes where the condition presents as small blisters that burst to leave red, open sores. It can also present on the face in the form of cold sores. People infected with herpes carry the virus for life and may have outbreaks or flare ups..
Herpes Simplex (HSV) is a virus that can be transmitted through skin on skin contact with someone who is having an active outbreak, including through vaginal, oral or anal sex. It can cause genital herpes where the condition presents as small blisters that burst to leave red, open sores. It can also present on the face in the form of cold sores. People infected with herpes carry the virus for life and may have outbreaks or flare ups.
Neisseria gonorrhoeae is a bacteria responsible for gonorrhoea that tend to occur when asymptomatic infection ascends within the genital tract.
Trichomonas Vaginalis is a bacteria that causes Trichomoniasis – a sexually transmitted infection affecting both men and women. Symptoms are similar to other sexually transmitted infections, including unusual discharge in women, pain whilst urinating or having sex, and soreness affecting the genital area. Testing is often required to diagnose the STD and it is not offered as standard on the NHS.
Ureaplasma is a bacterium that can be passed through sexual contact although it is not considered a classic STI or STD because of its low degree of pathogenicity. It is estimated that quite a large proportion of the sexually active population is infected with Ureaplasma and it doesn’t cause any issues.
Ureaplasma parvum. Ureaplasma has a unique position of being a commensal infection in most people, which means it can exist in healthy people and require no treatment. It can also behave as a STI , as well as an opportunistic infection in others.
Mycoplasma Hominis Genitalium brief goes here
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